X-ray micro-tomography dataset of Ketton carbonate - Unsegmented (raw data)
The images in this dataset are a sample of Ketton carbonate from a micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scan acquired with a voxel resolution of 4.52 µm. This dataset is part of a study on the effects of Voxel Resolution in a study of flow in porous media. A brief overview of this study summarised from Shah et al 2015 follows. A fundamental understanding of flow in porous media at the pore-scale is necessary to be able to upscale average displacement processes from core to reservoir scale. The study of fluid flow in porous media at the pore-scale consists of two key procedures: Imaging reconstruction of three-dimensional (3D) pore space images; and modelling such as with single and two-phase flow simulations with Lattice-Boltzmann (LB) or Pore-Network (PN) Modelling. Here we analyse pore-scale results to predict petrophysical properties such as porosity, single phase permeability and multi-phase properties at different length scales. The fundamental issue is to understand the image resolution dependency of transport properties, in order to up-scale the flow physics from pore to core scale.
- Date (Creation)
- 2020-05-06
- Citation identifier
- http://data.bgs.ac.uk/id/dataHolding/13607714
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Imperial College London
Saurabh M Shah
not available
Originator British Geological Survey
not available
Distributor British Geological Survey
not available
Point of contact
- Maintenance and update frequency
- notApplicable
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
BGS Thesaurus of Geosciences
NGDC Deposited Data
Carbon capture and storage
- dataCentre
- Keywords
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- licenceOGL
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
The copyright of materials derived from the British Geological Survey's work is vested in the Natural Environment Research Council [NERC]. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a retrieval system of any nature, without the prior permission of the copyright holder, via the BGS Intellectual Property Rights Manager. Use by customers of information provided by the BGS, is at the customer's own risk. In view of the disparate sources of information at BGS's disposal, including such material donated to BGS, that BGS accepts in good faith as being accurate, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the quality or accuracy of the information supplied, or to the information's suitability for any use. NERC/BGS accepts no liability whatever in respect of loss, damage, injury or other occurence however caused.
- Other constraints
Available under the Open Government Licence subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced NERC materials "Contains NERC materials ©NERC [year]"
- Language
- English
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Begin date
- 2013-03-26
- End date
- 2015-01-01
Reference System Information
- Distribution format
Name Version TIF files
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role British Geological Survey
not available
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name https://www2.bgs.ac.uk/ukccs/accessions/index.html#item138225 Data
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name https://webapps.bgs.ac.uk/services/ngdc/accessions/index.html#item138225 Data
- Hierarchy level
- Non geographic dataset
- Other
non geographic dataset
Conformance result
- Title
INSPIRE Implementing rules laying down technical arrangements for the interoperability and harmonisation of Geology
- Date (Publication)
- 2011
- Explanation
See the referenced specification
- Pass
- No
Conformance result
- Title
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
See http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2010:323:0011:0102:EN:PDF
- Pass
- No
- Statement
Dry scans of small cylindrical Ketton carbonate core (5 mm diameter and 10 mm length) were scanned using a laboratory micro-CT scanner, a Versa XRM-500 X-Ray Microscope (Zeiss X-Ray Microscopy, Pleasanton, CA, USA). To study and analyse the effect of scaled voxel resolution on the pore-scale micro-CT images and corresponding transport properties, it was necessary to scan the sample with the same field of view with respect to change in voxel resolution. X-rays from a micro-focused X-ray source are used to look into the sample. The X-ray source produces a polychromatic X-ray beam and the projection data (3000 projections) were collected with a cone beam along the circular trajectory. The voltage was set at 80 kV and power at 7W. In our cone beam set-up, the voxel resolution is controlled by the proximity of the sample to the beam or X-ray source.
- File identifier
- bbb3db6a-a8c3-3c29-e054-002128a47908 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Hierarchy level
- Non geographic dataset
- Hierarchy level name
non geographic dataset
- Date stamp
- 2025-01-11
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role British Geological Survey
Point of contact
- Dataset URI