Bedrock summary lithologies across the UK Continental Shelf (2014 Version)
The Bedrock summary lithologies dataset is digital geological map across the bulk of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), for areas up to a water depth of 200m, which groups the bedrock lithologies (rock types) into classes based on similar engineering geology characteristics. The map is derived from the 1:250,000 scale digital bedrock map of the UKCS, called DiGRock250k, which is available separately from the BGS. The map was produced in 2014 in collaboration with, and co-funded by, The Crown Estate as part of a wider commissioned project to assess seabed geological constraints on engineering infrastructure across the UKCS. The divisions on the map combine the bedrock formations into 8 classes (with several subdivisions) of similar strength and lithological variability, each with a ‘Category’ title that summarises their main lithological character: Class1 – Igneous; Class 2 - Tertiary Sandstone and Limestone; Class 2.5 - Tertiary Sandstone and Limestone Interbedded; Class 3 - Tertiary Mudstone; Class 4 - Mesozoic Sandstone and Limestone; Class 4.5 - Mesozoic Sandstone and Limestone Interbedded; Class 5 - Mesozoic Mudstone; Class 6 – Chalk; Class 7 – Metamorphic; Class 8 - Palaeozoic Sedimentary. The data are held by the BGS as an ESRI ArcGIS Shapefile.
- Date (Creation)
- 2014-03-31
- Citation identifier
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role British Geological Survey
Distributor British Geological Survey
Point of contact British Geological Survey
not available
Distributor British Geological Survey
not available
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
BGS Thesaurus of Geosciences
Bed rock
Continental shelf
UK Location (INSPIRE)
- dataCentre
- Keywords
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- licenceOGL
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
The copyright of materials derived from the British Geological Survey's work is vested in the Natural Environment Research Council [NERC]. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a retrieval system of any nature, without the prior permission of the copyright holder, via the BGS Intellectual Property Rights Manager. Use by customers of information provided by the BGS, is at the customer's own risk. In view of the disparate sources of information at BGS's disposal, including such material donated to BGS, that BGS accepts in good faith as being accurate, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the quality or accuracy of the information supplied, or to the information's suitability for any use. NERC/BGS accepts no liability whatever in respect of loss, damage, injury or other occurence however caused.
- Other constraints
Available under the Open Government Licence subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced NERC materials "Contains NERC materials ©NERC [year]"
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 250000
- Language
- English
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Geographic identifier
British Geological Survey Gazetteer: Geographical hierarchy from Geosaurus 1979 creation
- Begin date
- 1966
- End date
- 2013
- Unique resource identifier
- WGS 84 (EPSG::4326)
- Distribution format
Name Version ESRI Files
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role British Geological Survey
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role British Geological Survey
not available
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name Data
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Other
Conformance result
- Title
INSPIRE Implementing rules laying down technical arrangements for the interoperability and harmonisation of Geology
- Date (Publication)
- 2011
- Explanation
See the referenced specification
- Pass
- No
Conformance result
- Title
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
- Pass
- No
- Statement
The Bedrock Summary Lithology Factor Map has been derived from DiGRock250k by grouping bedrock lithologies into the following categories: Class1 - Igneous, Class 2 - Tertiary Sandstone and Limestone, Class 2.5 - Tertiary Sandstone and Limestone Interbedded, Class 3 - Tertiary Mudstone, Class 4 - Mesozoic Sandstone and Limestone, Class 4.5 - Mesozoic Sandstone and Limestone Interbedded, Class 5 - Mesozoic Mudstone, Class 6 - Chalk, Class 7 - Metamorphic, Class 8 - Palaeozoic Sedimentary. Class 1 was chosen to cover any igneous rock (granite, lava). These are frequently very strong and anisotropic in their physical properties. This class excludes tuffs as these are considered sedimentary rocks. There are no time constraints on this class as granites of Tertiary age have comparable properties to those emplaced during the Palaeozoic. Some igneous rocks such as lavas may have weathered horizons often reflecting environmental conditions when the rocks were created. Class 2 covers sands and sandstones and only a few limestones (e.g. Bembridge Limestone). Class 6 comprises chalks. This bioclastic product was separated out from other sedimentary rocks due to its easy recognition, its extensive occurrence offshore and the difficulties it has posed to pile driving for monopile wind turbines. The class occurs within both the Mesozoic and Tertiary time zones No attempt has been made to subdivide the chalk areas based on their likelihood to have flints. Experience suggests that flints can impose a constraint on foundation installation and these vary depending on basin and age. Some sediments in DigRock are described as Permo-Trias sandstones and mudstone and therefore would straddle Classes 4.5 and 8. As the classification scheme is intended as rapid attempt to summarise the strength of the rocks it was decided that such sediments are closer to the Mesozoic than most of the Palaeozoic and classes 4, 4.5 and 5 should be considered for rocks that are described as Permo-Trias. In the light of that, DigRock class PUND-MDGYAN was also moved into Class 4. It was noted that there was inconsistency in the descriptions of offshore extensions of the country rock north and south of the Cornubian peninsular. To the south the sediments are described as slates whereas to the north they are described as Sandstones and mudstones. Hence they fall into differing categories, the former as class 7 metamorphic and the latter as class 8 Palaeozoic sedimentary.
- File identifier
- 166c7ca4-0bfd-1f2d-e054-002128a47908 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2025-01-22
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role British Geological Survey
Point of contact
- Dataset URI